Over the past months I've been working on a project and feel that all the effort was worth it. These smiling loves desired a unique wedding photo. For a surprise gift, I helped create that loving magic in a unique portrait of husband and wife.

Acquiring vacation photos, I melted them into an embrace but, needed a little more to make it happen. Flowers and doves were too obvious. In reality their lives were meshed in music, live music! Upon entry to their home an a ray of different style guitars greets you.
The anticipation was setting in and I was given the O.K. to start painting. To keep them up to date and involved in the creative process, I reluctantly sent images of the work in progress. Progress isn't always pretty.
The difficult part about this piece for me and all my pieces is building up an appropriate amount of contrast. This picture, quite large for me, was definitely challenging. I learned by solving the obvious problems in her hand and the musical notes. Changing the lighting and the saturation of colors. Before long I needed to know, but couldn't tell from the reference photos, what color their eyes were.
22" x 30" Acrylic on Paper